Workshop for female correctional officers on peace building and peace support operations

SADC Support to Peace and Security

The SADC Secretariat has to this end increased its efforts to strengthen existing Member States’ capacity to effectively address disputes and violence and prevent and resolve their own conflicts to consolidate stability in the Region. It has also recognised that durable stability requires that women participate in the early warning and responses, peaceful resolution and prevention of disputes, and promotion of social cohesion within their communities. To buttress the significance which female correctional officers have in sustaining peace and security, the SADC Secretariat organised a regional workshop for female correctional officers on peace support operations in the Correction/Prison/Penitentiary services to strengthen capacity and increase participation in peace support operations. The workshop was held from 27th to 31st March 2023 in Johannesburg, South Africa, and drew female corrections officers from 15 SADC Member States. It was held with financial support from the European Union under the Support to Peace and Security in the SADC Region (SPSS) Programme.

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