The March Against Sexual Violence

No menas no. My Body My Choice.

An unprecedented protest set off along one of Lusaka’s main thoroughfares. Under the unforgiving sun, a young crowd marched forwards as chants of “no means no!” and “my body, my choice!” ricocheted off the hot concrete. The “March Against Sexual Violence” was the brainchild of local self-identifying feminist NGO, the Sistah Sistah Foundation. Sistah Sistah was founded in 2018 by Lusaka natives Ann Kay Holland and Gladys Mwangala Monde to uphold and protect the rights of women, girls, and queer people. Holland’s journey through intersectional feminism was inspired by “We Should all be Feminists”, the monologue at the end of the Beyoncé song Flawless, and a documentary on Malala Yousafzai

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