#HobbyLobby, #SCOTUS, #JointheDissent, #DrHobbyLobby, #NotMyBossBusiness,

On the heels of a decision to overturn the law that guarantees “buffer zones” outside of women’s health centers, the Supreme Court has once again devalued women and their reproductive health choices. Monday’s 5-4 decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby states that commercial enterprises can cite religious belief as a reason to withhold contraception coverage from their employees. The lower courts could then determine if #HobbyLobby means for-profit corporations can opt-out of covering any type of birth control, or just IUDs and the morning after pill. Men’s health care services, such as vasectomies and Viagra, remain untouched and unquestioned. Women on social media pushed forwards against the pushback of women's rights.

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